Event Details:
Partner Heath Cheek is presenting “‘Be a Goldfish’: Leadership and Ethics Lessons for Lawyers from the TV Show Ted Lasso” for the Dallas Association of Law Libraries (DALL).
Thursday, September 23, 2021
12:00 PM
Bell Nunnally Partner Heath Cheek looks at the hit TV show, Ted Lasso, and the numerous leadership and ethical lessons to be drawn from it for lawyers. Ted Lasso tells the story of a Kansas college football coach who gets drafted to coach a Premier League “football” (soccer) team in London. Ted uses positivity, kindness, warmth and humor (attributes not normally associated with lawyers) to coach his team and show that leadership and ethics apply no matter if you’re playing football or “football” or even serving as an in-house counsel. Cheek will show how these lessons apply to lawyers and are required under our ethical rules and the Texas Lawyers Creed.
One hour of ethics credit is available.