Bell Nunnally Managing Partner Christopher B. Trowbridge is profiled in the Mid-Market Report firm leaders Q+A “Bell Nunnally Looking Beyond ‘Period of Tremendous Upheaval.’” The piece delves into the current business environment and firm operations and provides a forward-looking outlook.
On the COVID-19 pandemic:
As a firm, we are well-positioned to ride out this storm and emerge in a strong position afterwards…. [P]ost-crisis, the fundamentals of our largest market – North Texas – remain strong.
On how the firm sees itself positioned in the marketplace:
While many clients enjoy our multi-disciplinary approach and use us for several offerings, some have targeted engagements. We like to think of ourselves as the right size and scale for today’s marketplace. And, as client relationships grow, so too do our offerings.
On attracting and retaining talented, young attorneys:
Being a midsize firm, we offer more flexibility than the larger firms, which is often attractive to younger lawyers, particularly millennials…. Another attractive element is that, pretty much from day one, we are talking about the path to partnership.
On innovation:
COVID-19, of course, was a huge shock to everyone – the firm included…. [T]hrough great teamwork and focus, we were one of the first firms to produce a comprehensive “COVID-19 Legal Services Resource Directory,” helping clients begin to pivot their businesses to weather this challenging period.
To read the full article, please click here.