Event Details:
Partner Karen Hart is moderating a roundtable titled, “Up In Smoke! Cannabis Law” on behalf of the American Bar Association Section of Litigation. Call in to hear a panel of cannabis legal experts discuss this developing area of law.
Thursday, January 31, 2019
12:00 – 1:00 PM
The legal landscape is rapidly changing with legalization of cannabis products for medical and recreational use in various states. Nine states and Washington DC have a gone “all-in” on legalized, recreational marijuana, and to date 30 states have legalized medical marijuana use. A recent Gallup poll showed that 64% of Americans favor legalization. Canada has also recently legalized recreational marijuana. As the tides change, attorneys need to be aware of the hot button legal issues that are pervasive in the burgeoning cannabis industry, which remains at odds with federal law making the use, possession and distribution of marijuana illegal. Join us to explore the collision of the cannabis industry and the real estate industry, including leasing, zoning, financing, personal injury and property liability, insurance (business/title insurance etc.) issues and other legal issues, along with other considerations for practitioners who may be thinking about becoming “cannabis counsel.”